You served your country bravely. Make sure you receive all of the benefits that you’re entitled to because of your military service.
If you’re a Veteran or the family member of a Veteran who needs long term care, don’t struggle to pay for that care out-of-pocket. You may be eligible for benefits to help you pay for the additional care you need. But, it can be hard to get those benefits if you try to work with the VA directly. You’ll be much more likely to receive the benefits you’ve earned if you work with a lawyer who is familiar with VA Benefits.
Don't Miss Out on VA Pension Benefits Available to Pay for Your Long-Term Care
The Aid and Attendance Pension is often referred to as the “VA’s Best Kept Secret.”
These critical benefits are overlooked by many families with Veterans or surviving spouses simply because the VA is not required to tell you if you might qualify!
This three-tiered, tax-free benefit is available for older war-time veterans and their spouses who need financial assistance covering the costs associated with long-term care or unreimbursed medical expenses.
The purpose of the Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit is to help veterans with non-service connected disabilities offset the costs associated with nursing home, assisted living or in- home care. The benefit can even be used to pay a family member who oversees or provides care for their loved-one.
Can I receive VA Pension Benefits?
You are eligible for VA Pension Benefits if:
You are a veteran or the surviving spouse of a veteran
You are 65 or older
Served at least 90 days active duty with 1 day during a period of declared war
Have a non-service connected disability that causes you to need help with daily tasks such as dressing, feeding, bathing, etc.
Currently paying for or in need of some form of nursing home, assisted living or in-home care
Never assume you are not eligible for benefits!
Unfortunately, accessing the benefits and working with the VA can be difficult. There is a really good chance if you go it alone you won’t qualify. There are four principle criteria for eligibility: service, income, net worth and medical expenses. Many veterans are turned away because they don’t understand the VA’s rules or the planning available to help meet the VA’s asset and income requirements.
A VA accredited attorney can help you determine the best legal and financial tools necessary to accomplish this and quickly. I specialize in helping families during difficult times, and I will help you get the benefits you have earned through your service. VA Benefits and Aid and Attendance is a complicated area of law with a lot of pitfalls for the unwary. I make sure my client's journey is as smooth as possible. I will take care of the difficult legal steps for you so you can focus on taking care of yourself or your family member.
I can be reached at (918) 336-1722 to schedule your VA Benefit Briefing. You'll learn how to avoid common mistakes that will delay your approval, as well as strategies to ensure you aren't denied benefits based on your current assets or income levels. In gratitude for your service to our country, I will waive your pre-consultation fee. Thank you for so bravely serving in our military.
What if I have a house and some savings - can I still qualify for a VA Pension?
YES! While net worth and income are both factors, there are planning strategies that can help you qualify for VA pension benefits. As part of a long-term care plan, prepared by a skilled elder law attorney, most estates can be adjusted so the veteran or widowed spouse qualifies for VA Aid and Attendance benefits. Never assume your loved one is not eligible!
Do I need to hire a professional caregiver to become eligible for the pension?
NO. In order to receive the VA pension, claimants must show that they require assistance with activities of daily living. Many people do not realize that even if they do not live in a nursing home or assisted living facility, go to adult day care, or have professional caregivers coming into the home, they may still have caregivers – the friends and family that help them on a daily basis. An experienced professional who is accredited with the VA can help veterans and surviving spouses determine if their friends and family provide enough services to be caregivers.
What are unreimbursed medical expenses?
Many items fall into this category, including health insurance premiums, doctor, hospital and prescription co-pays, in-home care services, assisted living facility rent and family caregivers to name a few. Often veterans don’t realize that they have medical expenses that would qualify under the Aid & Attendance program.